Saturday, December 6, 2014

Saturday Night Lifeboat Ethics

Saturday Night Lifeboat Ethics
I know why everyone thought, in spite of my bitter daily complaints about how lousy my life had become since I started sharing my work on the internet, that I was 'forced' offline in late 2007, rather than freely choosing to put a stop to the nightmare, myself. First of all, it was because they all tuned in to an illegal broadcast of Dateline in which I was found 'guilty of fraud' by a kangaroo court. On top of that, it is hard to convince the world that you are suffering when people like George Carlin take your complaints and use them to party on a stage. It gives others the impression that you're having fun. I guess that's why it's illegal to steal people's complaints and turn them into comedy material.

Now, it's Saturday again, my NBC detractors' favorite day, and I hope I can spoil it for them by sharing the following fact. If we had to share a lifeboat with Saturday Night Live cast members and you were the only one who knew how to save us, they would kill you and let us all die just to stop you from surpassing their celebrity status with your hero status.

How many of my scripts did they own up to taking again? A few? Do they mean a few hundred? Take a look through my posts from the week before last to see how many hundreds of counts of NBC fraud that I caught merely by browsing the web, looking for other programs.

And when you're done that, look through my songs and try to find just one formerly shared song that wasn't scooped up by greasy frauds and sold to big labels behind my back, after the fashion of Tina Fey's favorite band, the Crystalids, who wanted to get their Saturday Night Live gig by throwing me in prison to be tortured for merely rewriting my own song in 2010. Good luck.
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© 2007, 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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