Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Color of Outrage

The Color of Outrage
Jan 2016: Switched to the color of orange a short time later.

I've chosen violet as the active color for my statements links. When I think of how this business has abused me, I turn violet. (Jan 15, 2015: To make a more pleasant contrast with the active color of my scripts and songs links, I have opted instead to color my active statements links orange.)

Mistakes are an important part of my learning process and I don't have a problem owning up to them. People who think they're perfect must be stupid because they think they already know everything and no one can teach them anything.

Some of the jerks who've been complaining about my web code might be the same ones who stole my DHTML scripts in 2007 and told everyone it was their work, just like the assholes who stole my music, comedy, and autobiography. These useless tools think they should not have to struggle to gain knowledge or glory. They think they should just be able to copy and paste it right out of my original posts, none of which I have received a cent for, in spite of my thousands of hours of pure effort.

Fools want you to think they are philosophers with my blogs and the broadcasting industry wants to help them. Untalented children want you to think they have the sophistication of an artist in his forties and the broadcasters want to help them. Lazy bums want you to think they work as hard as I do. And the broadcasters want you to believe them. Hateful monsters want you to think they love you with my music and comedy. And the broadcasting industry wants to support them so they can make more money for themselves and leave me destitute.

The broadcasting industry supports vicious criminals. It bends over backwards to help criminals destroy my work and my life. Now, why don't you go turn on your TV so they can make some more money?
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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