Tuesday, November 4, 2014


When I was in that coffee shop last week, getting accused of stealing my own song, as I have been constantly accused for the last four years, I didn't catch the putdown at the time because I had other things on my mind. The first was the abominable music: corporate 80's fag pop, which I thought we all abolished forever by 1988. The other was my offline HTML database, which I've been loading with content from my Songs that Don't Rhyme blog. The thing that stands out the most when I struggle and sweat to copy this vast work into a new and independent file structure is how much of it has been stolen from me and broadcast by NBC since I first shared it in 2007.

From my memory of browsing the web in 2008 and 2009, I recall seeing the following original, copyrighted David Skerkowski poems being illegally performed by NBC shows: Charlotte Harlequin (stolen by SNL), Entropy's Date (Stolen by SNL), the False Prophet (Stolen by SNL), The First Unholy Roman Emperor (stolen by SNL), Iniquia (Stolen by SNL), Jackie the Pro (stolen by the Tonight Show), Marnie Blarneystone (stolen by SNL), Mistress Nemesis (stolen by SNL), Queen Frig (stolen by SNL), The Puritan (stolen by SNL), The Restless One (stolen by SNL) Rosemary Jones (stolen by SNL), Sappho Asparagus (stolen by Ellen,) The Trail Blazer (stolen by The Tonight Show), The Vindictive (stolen by SNL), and the Widower (stolen by SNL). Perhaps you know of a few dozen more violations of which I am unaware, since I don't watch television.

I would ask Tina Fey how much crack she needed to smoke to feel good about doing this to an innocent stranger. But I guess someone at CBC, like David Frum or George Strombopoulos, was impressed with these vicious crimes because CBC tried to give Tina Fey's partner-in-fraud a break last year, possibly after he was released from jail. The venue he used to commit more fraud with my blogs was close to the coffee shop that insulted me. Well, these insults are most upsetting, but I think I'm too numb from the onslaught of so much rape of my poetry to rise up and answer back with the appropriate response.

I'm angriest about the theft of my poems and my songs because I work the hardest on them. It takes me four to twelve hours of constant struggle and intense concentration to write a poem or lyrics for a song. It is very hard to write good verses. Try it some time. And it takes a vicious prick to just come along and scoop it up and then tell everyone you stole it. They sure have a lot of vicious pricks on the TV and radio. And they're probably still trying to rip me off now. After all, it's all they know how to do and everyone thanked them so generously for it.
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© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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