Monday, November 17, 2014

Many Pwns:A-Z

Many Pwns:A-Z
Rising to the level of a poet took me years of effort, but according to network television, all anyone needs to do to become a poet is to go online and swipe my poems as their stars did in 2007 - even while my work was still online. Here is some extra information to add to my My Poems:A-Z index.


Ad Man, the - stolen by TV?
Addict, the
Age of the Image, the - stolen by web hacks
Analyst, the
Ann Prattle
Argument, the - stolen by web hacks (Was that a rogue student's Flash dog?)
Barbarians, the
Bitch Goddess, the - stolen by web hacks
Buck Henry - stolen by Leonard Cohen
Buzzbombers, the
Charlotte Harlequin - stolen by SNL
Charm, the - stolen by web hacks
Cheater Cheater Cheesecake Eater
Cinnamon Gang, the - stolen by SNL?
Clean Money
Cocoon, the - stolen by web hacks
Commander, the - stolen by SNL?
Crown, the - stolen by web hacks
Crybabies, the
Culprits of BNE, the - stolen by SNL?
Dancer, the - stolen by SNL?
Deadly Cowards
Dinglewood Dorf - stolen by CBC?
Emily Green - stolen by SNL?
Entropy's Date - stolen by SNL
Envy - stolen by web hacks?
False Prophet, the - stolen by SNL
Family Day
First Unholy Roman Emperor, the - stolen by SNL
Free Agent - stolen by TV?
Funnyman Fil - stolen by The Daily Show?
Gabby Gale - stolen by SNL?
Get Under It - stolen by web hacks?
Gift, the - stolen by web hacks?
Glass Shards, the - title used as name for new rock band
Good as New - stolen by web hacks?
Good Riddance
Good Statesman, the - stolen by SNL?
Happy Slowpoke - stolen by SNL?
Harem, the - stolen by SNL?
Harper Grift
Hate Club, the
Hermit, the - stolen by web hacks
Holy War, the - stolen by web hacks
Hooray for Justice
Iniquia - stolen by SNL
Irma Upskirt - stolen by FOX?
It's Not David
Jackie the Pro - stolen by Enola Jay (Jay Leno)
Jam, the - stolen by TV?
Joke, the - stolen by web hacks?
Judge, the - stolen by web hacks
Just Making Sense - stolen by Nasco?
Karen MacClaren - stolen by TV - SNL?
Lie, the - stolen by web hacks?
Lifetimes - stolen by web hacks - Jon Stewart?
Look No Further - stolen by FOX?
Love Is for Losers
Love Merchants, the
Lover, the - stolen by Christian web hacks
Lunacy, the - stolen by web hacks
Lyndon B. Todd - stolen by SNL?
Mabelene Party Queen - stolen by web hacks
Maimie LaMay - stolen by web hacks?
Marnie Blarneystone - stolen by SNL
Mind Ray, the
Mistress Nemesis - stolen by SNL
Modern Fashion Sense - stolen by web hacks?
Mock This - stolen by Roxanna?
Mortal Interval, the - stolen by George W. Dushe?
Most People - stolen by Nasco?
My Brother Roger - stolen by my brother Roger?
Myrtle Birch - stolen by TV?
Never Too Late
No Fun
Nothing to Lose - stolen by British web hack
One More Time - stolen by Nasco?
Oracle, the - stolen by the Ku Klux Klan?
Overweight Oaf - stolen by Family Guy?
Poisoned, the - stolen by Jon Stewart?
Porcupine Girls, the - stolen by TV - Dateline NBC?
Poverty Pimps, the
Power Trip, the - stolen by web hacks
Pricilla's Cat - stolen by web hacks
Promise, the - stolen by web hacks?
Protection - stolen by Nasco?
Pundits, the - stolen by TV - CNN?
Puritan, the - stolen by SNL
Queen Frig - stolen by SNL
Readers Only
Redeemer, the - stolen by SNL
Restless One, the - stolen by SNL
Rosemary Jones - stolen by SNL
Rusty O'Slim - stolen by Conan O'Brien?
Sacrifice, the - stolen by web hacks
Same Old Pain, the
Sappho Asparagus - stolen by Ellen Degeneres
Scales, the - stolen by web hacks
Servant, the - stolen by web hacks?
Short-Changed, the - stolen by Nasco?
Shorty Suffuse - stolen by George Carlin?
Siblings, the - stolen by my brother Bernard?
Sleep Talker, the - stolen by SNL?
Slick Singer - stolen by Mick Jagger or Enola Jay (Jay Leno)?
Small World
Smart Fruit - stolen by TV?
Soccer Bores Me
Something to Do
Soul, the - stolen by web hacks?
Success - stolen by The Crystalids?
Sue Ann Grape - stolen by SNL?
Talent King, the - stolen by SNL?
Taskmaster, the - stolen by SNL?
Terminal End, a - stolen by web hacks?
That's the Way They Like It
Tough Love
Travisty Bell - stolen by SNL?
Trail Blazer, the - stolen by Enola Jay (Jay Leno)
Trend, the - stolen by web hacks?
Triathalon, the - stolen by my brother Roger?
Trix's Treasure - stolen by SNL?
Truants, the - stolen by SNL?
Tyrant, the - stolen by SNL?
Unfit, the - stolen by CBC?
Unmade Choice, the - stolen by web hacks?
Vacuum, the - stolen by Dateline NBC?
Valentine - stolen by the ghost of Jack the Ripper?
Veteran, the - stolen by Tom Hanks?
Viewer Beware
Vindictive, the - stolen by SNL
Virginia Young - stolen by SNL?
Virtue Vandals - stolen by The Shards?
Visitation, the - stolen by Jerry Falwell?
Vixens, the - stolen by the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders?
War, the - stolen by CNN?
Watchers, the
Wayward Star, the
Wellspring, the - stolen by The Crystalids?
Widower, the - stolen by SNL
Wise Man, the - stolen by SNL?
Workers of Fastgo, the - stolen by Nasco?
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© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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