Thursday, November 6, 2014

So What?

So who's trying to say I'm 'so yesterday' now? Another fraud? Speaking of yesterday, how much of yesterday's money does Nickelback still have in their pockets from stealing and butchering my song?

If I'm 'so yesterday', why are you here reading this today? You know what I think I am? I'm timeless. Don't confuse timelessness with history. I stay relevant in the present because the truth never changes.

How can these people build their universes out of my work, make their livings from it as they totally exclude me from the rewards, and then try to make the world reject me? I really think that crack cocaine is behind this. People are inherently moral. It takes extensive crack use to make them misbehave the way they have done around my life and work.

That's why television is such a false idol. People automatically trust the information they get from television when the people who are handing it to them are horribly corrupt. We hear story after story about how these decadent stars lie and cheat and use narcotics and then we still go ahead and trust them when they appear on television. Dateline reporters are convicted of heinous crimes and carted off to prison and the show stays on the air so it can repair its image at the expense of its victim. All these goofy stars I've been bashing in my poems and blogs were incarcerated seven years ago - when I first bashed them for ripping me off. I erased the blogger account because no one believed me with my 'low' web page views and I was going nuts from the stress, and as soon as they got out of jail, they were on television, telling everyone that I was the culprit. And everyone believed them. So now I have to go through all the same miserable shit again after I blocked it all from my memory because it was so intensely painful.

I wish all these songs and blogs were 'so yesterday'. Do you have any idea how frustrating it is to be trapped in an eight month period from your past because a million and one assholes stole money from you and lied about you? Do you think I want to rewrite old work all the time? That's what happens when your life doesn't change because there is no justice in the world.
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© 2014. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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